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Special Senses


The eye consists of the Tunica Fibrosa (Cornea and Sclera) and the Tunica Vasculosa (Iris, Ciliary Body, Choroid) and the Retina. 

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Outer Corneal Epithelium 

Bowmans Membrane


Descemets Membrane

The Cornea is transparent and unvascularized. The cornea has 5 layers. 

Outer Corneal Epithelium (stratified squamous epithelium) 

Bowmans membrane

Stroma ( highly ordered collagen fibres, few cells)

Descemets Membrane (elastic & collagen fibres)

Endothelium (simple squamous epithelium) 

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Outer Corneal Epithelium 

Bowmans Membrane

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Descemets Membrane

Tunica Vasculosa

The Ciliary body anchors the lens via suspensory ligaments or zonule fibres. The bulk of the ciliary body is smooth muscle. The epithelium has actively transporting cells which produce the aqueous humorous and is underlain by a rich vascular supply. 

There is no vasculosa under the cornea, it is composed of there layers, The vessel layer, Chriocapillary layer, Bruchs membrane (joins retina here). 

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The Iris (note the sphincter and dilator muscle)

Lens : covered with collagen and proteoglycan rich capsule. Simple cuboidal epithelium lies underneath capsule on anterior surface. Epithelium becomes columnar towards middle of lens and elongate into lens fibres.

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Outer Nuclear Layer

Rods & Cones 

Pigmented Epithelia 

Outer Limiting Membrane

Outer Plexiform Layer

Inner Nuclear Layer

Inner Plexiform Layer

Ganglionic Cell layer

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Layer of Optic Fibres

Inner Limiting Membrane



The Retina has six types of neutrons : 

Photoreceptive cell

Horizontal cell

Bipolar cell

Amacrine cell

Interplexiform cells

Ganglion cells

The sclera is dense collagenous connective tissue, while the choroid consists of pigment and the choriocapillary network

Olfactory Epithelia

This is located on the roof of nasal cavity. 

Basal cells

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Sustentacular cells

This is a ciliated pseudo stratified epithelium with three cell types; 

1) Olfactory cells : bipolar spindle shaped neurons, apical ends consists of a dilated end with 6-8 long nonmotile cilia that are draped along epithelia surface, proximal part drawn into olfactory nerve fibre

2)Sustentacular cells : with apical nuclei, also called supporting cells, tall columnar with microvilli, apical secretory granules and intercellular junction.

3) Basal cells : basal nuclei. The stem cells give rise to both olfactory and sustentacular cells

Bowmans Glands : In the lamina propria secrete "solvent" to dissolve

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Gland Duct

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Pacinian and Meissners Corpuscles
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Meissners corpuscles are found in the papillary dermis of the integument. For light touch sensation. 

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Pacinian corpuscles found deep in the dermis or hypodermis of the integument, for deep touch and pressure sensations.

Taste Buds

Found on fungiform, foliate, and circumvallate papillae. Basal cells with basal nuclei give rise to more mature cells that develop taste hairs (microvilli) on their luminal surface to aid in detecting gustatory signals. 

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